When it launched, a lot of people asked how it worked:


So here’s an explanation!

How It Works: Encryption

For more detailed information on the encryption process see here: https://upstash.com/blog/powering-envshare#how-it-works


Getting Started

Required: node ≥ 16

This repository uses pnpm to manage dependencies. Install it using npm install -g pnpm




Deployment Environment Variables

This project assumes you’ll be deploying on Vercel, so there are some usage of Vercel environment variables such as: process.env.VERCEL_URL that you may have to change to your environment variables for your deployment.

Search using your IDE for process.env.VERCEL_URL to catch them, but here is a (possibly changing) list of where this is used

Files affected:



⚠ Note: This endpoint is only meant to store already encrypted secrets. Use a client like the page hosted at https://envshare.dev or the CLI Tool to store secrets or if you choose to use this endpoint, make sure your client is capable of encrypting/decrypting the secret.

Storing a secret